Friday, June 24, 2011

Thank You Rick Riordan!

The uber-famous author, Rick Riordan mentioned me on his blog!
Now, you may be wondering how this is possible.
Well, I went to one of his book signings and I had given him a note with my blog address, and at the end of his tour he gets sent a box of stuff from fans from the tour. And my note was one of those things! When he was writing shoutouts to people he wrote-
      Lily T. shared a note and a link to her blog about reading. Way to go, Lily! Good luck with your blog.
Not only does this mean I'm semi-famous (Yes, it raised my daily page views from 2 to 30), it means he read my blog!!!
Which is awesome!
So I will give a big thank you to Rick Riordan for being amazing.

Peace, Love, and Complete and Utter Awesomeness

My Post on the Signing

Rick Riordan's Blog

Also, I may change the blog's design and font...

1 comment:

  1. His blog was how I found you. :) And your blog gave me the idea to start my own.
