Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mount Holyoke

Note: Rick Riordan post below :D

Hello everyone! Yes, that is me. In this picture, I am outside the gate into Mount Holyoke, where my Mom went to college. It's an awesome college in South Hadley, MA. I was there today so I could see Rick Riordan. Anyway, my Mom gave my Dad and I a tour, which was fun. And now, with the magic of the internet, you can get a tour too!

These pictures are of Wilder and South Rockefeller Hall. These are both places my mom stayed when she went here. You can find many stories online about ghosts, which are really freaky. It seems that there's a ghost in basically every room here...

This is the library, which is a three story building that has about a trillion books. There's also a coffee shop there with yummy food. It's really quiet in there too, and it's perfect for studying. My Mom remembers staying up late studying there. If you notice in the bottom photo in the bottom right, there's a sign with different places around the world and how many kilometers away from the sign it is. For example, the sign is 5655 km away from Paris. There is a few other signs like this around campus.

We also visited the greenhouse, which has tons of amazing plants and trees and even a pond with lily pads. It was nice because it wasn't too warm so we could spent a while there. My Mom said that if you had a plant in your dorm and it got sick, you could bring it down to the greenhouse and it could get better.

Alright so... um... that's it for my mini tour of Mount Holyoke.

Peace, Love, and Mount Holyoke

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